Smart Stuff

Doctoral Degree (PhD), Clinical Research, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB

Thesis: What makes strong Canadian military couple strong?

Master of Social Work Degree (MSW), Clinical Stream, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB

Thesis: Conjoint counselling for spouse abuse couples :a systemic approach.

Bachelor of Social Work Degree (BSW), Ryerson University, Toronto, ON

Peer-reviewed sole author in the Clinical Social Work Journal.

Clinical Assessment of Canadian Military Marriages

Basic and advanced training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT)

Over 30 years of clinical practice, relationship expert, strengths and resilience based.​

Worked in multiple levels of government including municipal, provincial and federal. 

I’ve come full circle.

Penniless but passionate, I put myself through my first degree in social work. My second degree I did while living away from my husband, and my third was the same, but with two small kids in tow.

I became who I thought I should be, ignoring a crucial part of myself. You see I was born in the Philippines and came to Canada in my teens. As outlined in my book, life hadn’t come easy.

It took a while to understand how events in my past led to the depression I hid from the world; it took even longer to come to terms with the effects of loss, heartache, and deep wounds that hadn’t healed.

Before I lost everything, I found someone I could trust, and committed to the healing process vulnerably and wholeheartedly. It took years, but when I fully embodied what I’d been helping others with for decades, peace came and stayed.

My journey, while complex gave me a wealth of professional and personal insights that I’m eager to leave on this planet!